Support BSM
Together, we can make a difference
Single Gift
All donations no matter how big or small will have an impact on BSM pupils. Make a one-time donation or please consider a recurring gift.
Recurring Gift
A recurring gift is an ongoing, specific gift amount determined by a donor, given monthly or annually, and payable by credit card or bank transfer
Pledges give donors an opportunity to make a larger gift by committing a gift over three to five years, or more in some cases.
Planned Giving
Leaving a legacy gift by including BSM in your will could have significant benefits to the BSM community.
Donate by Bank Transfer
Banco BPM- Filiale Piazza Meda 4, 20121 Milano
IBAN: IT71B 05034 01647 000000008916
For more information
Please contact our Development Office
Tel. +(39) 02 210941 204
Email [email protected]