5xMille Donations

Donate your 5xmille

Codice Fiscale 80099530158

Discover other ways to Support BSM

The Italian Tax Authority allows a portion of your income taxes (IRPEF) to support a non-profit organisation of your choice. Thanks to Cinque x Mille, parents, alumni, and staff can contribute to BSM’s recognised Association – The Sir James Henderson British School of Milan (ETS - Ente Terzo Settore). 0.5% of your Italian taxes (€5.00 for every €1,000.00 of taxes) can be designated to The British School of Milan.

It's true. The 5x1000 is a fraction of your income tax. It is not an additional expense. If you decide not to allocate the 5x1000 to an organisation, that part of your income tax will still be paid to the State.

Yes, donating your 5xMille is completely anonymous. Personal data is not shared with the organisation, only the Tax Office (Agenzia delle Entrate) has access to this.

It is an opportunity to designate €5 for every €1,000 you pay in taxes to an organisation of your choice. With The British School of Milan, you are reinvesting in your child’s educational future.

Yes, a taxpayer can donate 5xMille to a not-for-profit organisation and at the same time, 8xMille to the Italian State or Religious organisation.

Informing family and friends that they can designate their 5xMille to BSM is another way of supporting the School’s fundraising programme.

Learn about more ways to donate here.


All we need is your signature on the dedicated section of your Annual Tax Declaration (Dichiarazione dei Redditi) form (CUD, UNICO, or 730) and the School’s codice fiscale: 80099530158 

Ask your commercialista for more help or contact the school’s Development Office with any questions: [email protected]


La normativa fiscale italiana consente di destinare una quota dell’imposta sul reddito delle persone fisiche (IRPEF) a sostegno di organizzazioni senza scopo di lucro. Grazie al Cinque x Mille, i genitori, gli ex allievi, i dipendenti sono in grado di sostenere la Associazione BSM – The Sir James Henderson British School of Milan (ETS - Ente Terzo Settore). Il 5xMille (€ 5,00 per ogni € 1.000,00 di imposte) può essere destinato a supportare la Scuola.

Il Codice Fiscale della Associazione Sir James Henderson British School of Milan (ETS - Ente Terzo Settore) è : 80099530158

Per ulteriori informazioni contattate il BSM Development Office: [email protected]